Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Coffee & Networking 9:30AM
Program 10:00-11:30 AM
Carlos Rosario International PCS
1100 Harvard St NW
Washington, DC 20009
Join us for the release of our report, A landscape of D.C.’s adult public charter schools: Who they serve, how they serve, and what they achieve. This report focuses on D.C.’s nine adult-serving public charter schools that represent a unique offering for adults in D.C. by providing opportunities to earn high school equivalency certificates, gain English language skills, and enroll in workforce development programs. Join us at Carlos Rosario International PCS for coffee and networking, followed by a summary of the report findings and expert panel discussion with audience Q&A.
Allison Kokkoros, CEO, Carlos Rosario International PCS
Opening Remarks
Dr. Michelle Walker-Davis, Executive Director, DC Public Charter School Board
Introduction to report
Dr. Yesim Sayin, Executive Director, D.C. Policy Center
Preview of findings
Chelsea Coffin, Director, D.C. Policy Center Education Policy Initiative
Panel discussion
Taylor White, Director, Partnership to Advance Youth Apprenticeship & Postsecondary Pathways for Youth, New America (Moderator)
Lecester Johnson, CEO, Academy of Hope PCS
Geovanny Cruz, Program Assistant, Carlos Rosario International PCS
Megan Bailey RN, MPH, Director of Clinical Services, Mary’s Center
Aracely Hernandez, Medical Assistant student, LAYC Career Academy PCS