PD&R Quarterly Update on Office-to-Residential Conversions

July 25, 2023
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Photo/Ted Eytan. Used with permission.

On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, Executive Director Yesim Sayin will speak as a panelist at HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R)’ will host a PD&R’s Quarterly Update virtual event focused on Office-to-Residential Conversions. After a housing market update from PD&R’s Kevin Kane and a data spotlight segment from PD&R’s Veronica Helms Garrison, Tracy Hadden Loh from Brookings Metro will provide keynote remarks. The event will then feature two panel discussions. In the first panel, developers will discuss the nuts-and-bolts of how to convert office space into residential units, and the second panel will explore how policymakers can create tools to facilitate successful conversions in downtown markets.

Watch the recording