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Senior Fellow Kate Rabinowtiz cited in Washington City Paper

August 10, 2017
  • D.C. Policy Center

On August 10, 2017, Washington City Paper cited a study by Senior Fellow Kate Rabinowitz that explored how LGBTQ places and spaces in D.C. have changed over time:

If a new, expansive gay club opens, it will buck a long trend. As Kate Rabinowtiz, founder of the website DataLensDC, has shown in interactive maps published by the D.C. Policy Center think tank, the number of LGBTQ-specific businesses and spaces in the District are now at their lowest level since the 1970s. Dozens have shuttered with the mainstreaming of queer culture, the calming of social activism, and the development of D.C. into one of the most expensive cities in the U.S. And—with the decriminalization of LGBTQ sex, better education about HIV and AIDS, and marriage equality—more people are out of the closet.

You can read the full article here: D.C.’s Biggest Gay Nightclub Is Set to Close, But a New Iteration May Replace It | Washington City Paper


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